Sunday, December 12, 2010
Last Day of Wave - Video Lecture Series
Friday, December 10, 2010
Session on Opportunity Evaluation
Activity of Mind Mapping.
Video which showed the importance of “opportunity evaluation” was shown to the students. In the video Mr. Nandan Nilekai shares his views about how India is a land of opportunities and proper evaluation can lead to vast growth. He focused that in the past the need was “Roti, Kapda and Makaan” but now the need has shifted to “Bijli, Sadak and Pani”. India is the youngest country in the world and if they can be changed in their perceptive and made aware of the opportunities they can take India to the strongest position in the world. He focused that there are many Ideas in progress, Ideas in Conflict, and under anticipation.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Case Study of MacDonald's
Its the time of activity

An activity was conducted by the E-leaders with the aim of knowing how innovative the students are. They were divided into groups and were asked to write different business ideas on a sheet of paper and a lot came out of them-
1. SpaceCraft Academy
2. Telepathy Device (Satellite Communication)
3. Councelling/consultancy
4. Food communication line
5. Halwa store(Name- Maa ka Halwa)
6. Website where customers design their own clothes and get that type in 5 days of delivery time.
7. Garden for students.
8. Greeting’s Gallery.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is basically a legally constituted organization which is operated by legal persons who act independently from any government. The term is used for those organizations which have wider social target with political aspects. However, any NGO cannot be blatantly political organizations. The term “non-governmental organization” has no agreed legal definition and these are termed as “civil society organizations” in many jurisdictions.
The main focused word was contagious-likely to affect others.
As the purpose was to explore the theme-“building an NGO”, the video really motivated students to be a part of NGO.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Today on 7th December E-cell neatly conducted 2nd lecture of video lecture series.Today's topic was "Innovation".The session begun with TED talk video by Pranab Mistry .Pranab showed how creative and innovative thinking can change the world we live in and make it a better place . Starting with the example of hand gesture system he made just by using two rollers taken out from ordinary computer mouse.
Today it is not possible to carry each and every thing we need everywhere so he showed one of the newest of his innovations called "6 sense device" which connects the real world and the virtual world by the means of "gestures" we use in everyday life.
In 1973,when Mohan boarded a second class compartment of the Jayanti Express to Mumbai(Bombay) from Thrissur in Kerala in South India in search of a job, little did he realize that he would be known as ‘GOOD KNIGHT’ Mohan in a few years’ time.
The case study was given to the students to make them understand the value of an innovative idea design. The idea, was just an analysis of situation, demand of people, and had lots of care for people in it (as it was to save them from being bitten by mosquitoes). So the case study let them understand the value of how important it is to be innovative and think of an idea and implement it to its fullest at the right time. It is not always education that can make you rich. Even a small idea can change your life.
Discussion of Case Study
The case study was discussed then with the students and students came up with a lots of innovative ideas. The discussion was a valuable one for the students. It really made them know the value of an INNOVATIVE IDEA. They understood that an idea can really change their lives and what is the importance of an innovative idea design.